Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is actually a simple but effective tool that can get you valuable traffic. When used effectively, it can attract the right kind of visitors to your company website. For most people, SEO is a mystery while others think it’s too complicated and best left to the experts. While professional SEO consultants can help ensure that you follow the best on-page SEO practices, do take the time to understand the basics of what is efficient internet marketing. Here are some of the vital elements of SEO. How about doing a quick check?
1. Powerful Content that is Linkable
Content is the information you place on the pages of your website. And, that information is what Google and other search engines are attempting to provide to their users. Your chances of getting picked up by Google search bots all depend on whether the information you have provides value to the people browsing the pages. Ultimately, it’s all about demand and supply. If you can cater to the demand by supplying what is needed, you win the best spots on search result pages. So, you see, the main key to great on-page SEO practices is information. And, you need not publish pages and pages of content. Oftentimes, a video, an image, a few lines of text, a slogan, or even, sound can do the trick.
To go one step forward, great content and information are useful only if people (and potential customers) can link to it. Not only should you have content that is interesting, but readers should also be able to share the links with their friends and family. Your pages are unlikely to have any value in the eyes of Google (or, any other search engines, for that matter) if they cannot be reproduced and the information passed around.
2. Title Tags
Adding keywords in your content indicates to Google search bots what the information is all about. You’ll want to ensure that you clearly convey the topic and that’s why you add Title tags. Take care not to confuse the title tag with the actual title of the content. The Title Tag or SEO Title is the keyword that you’re using and appears on the list when Google displays search results. You’ll add not just the keyword, but also the name of your business and any secondary keywords you think can better explain what products and services your company provides. By adding the correct Title Tag, you can be assured of higher visibility and click-through rates. That’s what makes Title Tags one of the essential on-page SEO practices.
Here’s an example. Say you have a dental clinic and provide Invisalign braces where “Invisalign braces” is the keyword and Macleod Trail Dental is the name of the business. Accordingly your SEO Title or Title Tags will appear like this:
Invisalign Braces | Macleod Trail Dental | Clear Braces
Notice that you’ll add a secondary keyword for more clarity. Separate the information with pipes and make sure that the title is not more than 55 characters. Adding more won’t help because Google limits displays to 55 including spaces.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
3. Meta Description
The Meta Description is intended to grab the attention of the readers so they click on the link to take a look around the page. This description appears below the Title Tag and includes the keywords in the Title Tag. Google also highlights the keywords that users searched for. Take care that in that short message of a maximum of 150 to 160 characters, you have the opportunity to evoke curiosity and interest. When your expert SEO consultants talk about the best SEO practices, they’ll advise you to create a distinct meta description for all the pages of content you have, even if the information is almost the same.
4. URL
The URL is the actual link to the page and displays the actual title of the page you created. To go with the earlier example, say, your content talks about why Invisalign braces are perfect for teenagers. Accordingly, your URL will appear like this:
Note that the keyword appears in the URL and tells the reader what kind of information the page contains. Further, if the reader wishes to share the link, the recipient will also understand exactly what the page describes.
5. Alt Tags
As explained earlier, interesting information can also be in the form of images and videos. Getting customized images and videos created to embed in the content adds an extra edge to your on-page SEO practices. By adding the Alt Tag, you can make sure that viewers finding the image can also read about the page where the image appears. In case viewers are using a screen reader, the Alt tag will also be relayed in audio form.
On-page SEO practices are critical for getting the maximum traffic possible for your company website. If these strategies seem somewhat complicated, help is at hand. Contact us by clicking on this page: and let’s talk some more about how to attract the attention of search engines and the appropriate niche of visitors to your business.