The objective of creating a business website is simple - providing information about the company, the products and services offered, and details about the features and specifications. You’ll also publish price points and comparison info so customers can make an informed decision before selecting a particular product. Then you have the review pages, email grabbing boxes, forms that buyers can fill to make payments, and the final checkout page where customers finalize their shopping.
All of these functions represent the part where the business functions on a day-to-day basis. But, you’ll need to do more to ensure that the customers keep coming back to explore more products, and talk about their experiences. Companies need to build a deeper connection with buyers to develop a community of fans who prefer your product to any other brand and will always go for it. The simplest way to build that interchange would be through blogs. This is the page where the company has a real conversation with its target demographic.
Blogs Build a Living Persona for the Company
Blogs transform a company from a website into a living, breathing entity with a personality. You can establish the business as an authoritative figurehead that knows the industry’s in-depth nuances. You’ll publish new content regularly that talks about the latest news, trends, and developments in the sphere where you work. Clients can always check the pages for details about innovative products and how they fit into the contemporary lifestyle. You’ll also talk about the latest events in the company and the activities or projects you’ve completed successfully.
Websites Have Different Kinds of Content
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the most critical aspect of the content you publish on the site. The pages contain keywords to attract the maximum traffic and build an online presence for the company. Your service pages will have only a limited number of keywords. But, blogs open some real possibilities. You’ll create content rich with long-tailed keywords that have the potential to rank on search engines. Blogs can act as robust funnels to channel traffic and build a solid customer base. Fresh, interesting, and well-written pages with smartly designed images and videos have the potential to convert visitors into leads and actual sales.

You’ll Insert Internal Links
Blogs serve yet another important function - to direct visitors to service pages and other helpful data. Each page can have multiple links to assist in navigating to other pages on the site and retain link juice for the maximum time. The longer visitors remain on your site, the higher will be your chances of finalizing a sale. The SEO experts at Hyperlocal suggest having at least 4 to 5 internal links in every new blog post you create. These links are critical for your strategies to attract search engines bots and build higher rankings.
Internal links also help to maintain interest in the older blog posts you have published earlier. You’ll continue to get significant returns on the time you invested in putting the information together. Linking directs readers to other relevant pages and further establishes you as an authority that has all the aspects of the topic covered.
You’ll Encourage Reviews and Understand How Customers Think
Possibly the most valuable aspect of your blogs is the comments section. Each blog will have space at the bottom where readers can put down their reviews and provide opinions on the information they have just read. You’ll encourage feedback, build trust, and develop an understanding of how users view your products.
Oftentimes, reviews also provide insights into what customers are looking for and might just help you develop ideas for new products and services to capture the market. Most importantly, you’ll have the opportunity to respond to complaints and suggestions.
Linking Blogs to Social Media Pages
Blogs and social media sites have a symbiotic relationship. When you publish blogs, you’ll also add social media icons, so readers can share any information they find interesting. Getting more likes and shares encourages people to check out a piece of content. As you develop visibility on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Reddit, and Pinterest among various others, you’ll increase the number of visitors looking around your website.
On the flip side, when posting on social media, you’ll add links back to the blogs. While social media posts have a limited number of characters and provide mini snippets of information, linking to blogs directs readers to pages that have more comprehensive details.
At Hyperlocal, we understand the importance of the blog page for building a robust brand identity, connecting with customers, and standing out from the competition. You can rely on us to use this advertising tool for the maximum impact for your company. Would you like to tap into the talents of our expert digital marketers? Contact us here and let’s talk about how we got you to read this page.